Jackson Pollock’s Sculpture: Was “Jack the Dripper” Also “Jack the Chipper”?

Is there any more famous footage of an artist at workthan Hans Namuth’s film of Jackson Pollock? More than half a century after Pollock’s death, the “Jack the Dripper” label still sticks in the public’s imagination. But according to a recent piece by Robin Cembalest in Art News, greater attention is finally being paid to Pollock’s attempts at sculpture. What this reevaluation of the poster boy for Abstract Expressionism might mean remains to be seen, but is it possible that “Jack the Dripper” might also be “Jack the Chipper”? Please come over to Picture This at Big Think to read more of "Jackson Pollock’s Sculpture: Was “Jack theDripper” Also “Jack the Chipper”?"

[Image: Jackson Pollock. Untitled, 1930-33. Basalt. Private collection. Courtesy of Leila Heller Gallery.]

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