A Tale of Two Artists’ Webcams
It was the best of webcams, it was the worst of webcams, it was “must see” TV, it was “must flee” TV—in short, this has been an interesting week in the world of famous artists’ webcams. To mark the first anniversary of his being seized and detained by the Chinese government, Ai Weiwei set up a series of webcams in his home, only to have those same authorities shut off the feed one day later. To mark the opening of his first major museum retrospective at the Tate Modern, Damien Hirst launched his own studio webcam to show the artist at work, only neither he nor his work appears on screen. The tale of these two artists’ webcams neatly sums up the state of art today. Please come over to Picture This at Big Think to read more of "A Tale of Two Artists’ Webcams."
[All apologies to Charles Dickens.]