Can an Art Exhibition Answer Germany’s Jewish Question?

The Holocaust is a touchy subject anywhere on earth, but touchiest at the capitol of the country where “The Final Solution” began. Germany and its capitol, Berlin, still struggle with the “Jewish question” not as the Nazis once did, but in terms of how to overcome the weight of all that tragic history and its lingering effect on its culture. Taking a lighter approach to this weighty subject, the Jewish Museum Berlin offers The Whole Truth … everything you always wanted to know about Jews. The Whole Truth tries to answer all the awkward questions in hopes of making being Jewish and German both less exotic and less an automatic mental connection to the death of 6 million people of a specific faith and ancestry. But, for all it’s good intentions, can an art exhibit really answer Germany’s Jewish question? Please come over to Picture This at Big Think to read more of "Can an Art Exhibition Answer Germany’s Jewish Question?"

[Image: Leeor Engländer in the Showcase. © Jüdisches Museum Berlin. Photograph: Linus Lintner.]  
[Many thanks to the Jewish Museum Berlin for providing me with the image above and other press materials related to The Whole Truth … everything you always wanted to know about Jews, which runs through September 1, 2013.]

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