da Vinci in London: The Art Revolution Will Be Televised

When Leonardo da Vinci painted at the court of Milan from 1482 through 1499, he contributed to the revolution in seeing we now know as the Renaissance. Lorenzo de' Medici sent Leonardo as a peace offering to Ludovico il Moro, the Duke of Milan, but the original Renaissance man—painter, sculptor, inventor, architect, scientist, engineer, writer, and much, much more—brought much more than peace to the kingdom. Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan, a mind-blowing blockbuster of an art exhibition at the National Gallery in London, England, brings together an astounding number of da Vinci’s paintings from this period—more than has been assembled in one place since the days of the court itself. It’s the number 1, must-see show in the world for 2011. But what if you can’t get there? Don’t worry, this revolution will be televised—a revolutionary act itself. Please come over to Picture This at Big Think to read more of "da Vinci in London: The Art Revolution Will Be Televised."

[Image: Leonardo da Vinci. The Virgin of the Rocks (detail), 1495-1508. National Gallery, London.]

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