Is Bob Dylan a Painting Plagiarist?

How many times will Bob Dylan be accused of plagiarism of one kind or another? The latest accusations blowing in the wind involve not Dylan’s style or songs, but rather his beloved hobby—painting. A Flickr account holder calling him or herself Okinawa Soba claims that Dylan based at least six of his paintings in a new exhibition at the Gagosian Gallery in New York City on vintage photos that Soba posted in his photostream. Is BOB DYLAN: The Asian Series a huge fraud in which a celebrity tries to pass off unimaginative copies of true artists’ work as his own? Or is it wrong to call these paintings plagiarism? Is Dylan the “plagiarist” just Dylan being Dylan? Please come over to Picture This at Big Think to read more of "Is Bob Dylan a Painting Plagiarist?"

[Image: BOB DYLAN: The Asian Series. Gagosian Gallery installation view. Photo by Rob McKeever.]

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